Its better to read, before signing

It was 15th century and most of kings signed agreements of friendship before reading them. And if i sign a document before reading the points that can destroy me and my kingdom in near future, it is better to give 2-3 years to read it and understand each and every point. When we are in power, than it is necessary to go through the content of agreements from bottom to top as many important points can be missed after reading big documents from top to bottom. The introductory lines can have more friendly terms but it might me possible that most important conditions are listed on last pages. When we are signing some paper, we must give time to see,  the bad and good aspects of signing such agreements.  Let me share one example from Ramayana. When lord Rama was on 14 years exile, in jungle there was a sound of King Bharat, who was brother of lord Rama. Laxman, who was on exile with lord Rama heard the sound of Bharat and thought that Bharat is coming to kill both of them for taking over Ayodhya. He was was ready to kill Bharat, but Lord Rama asked him to think before shooting Bharat with an arrow. Lord Rama taught him to think about the good and back effects of activity he is performing. If Bharat was innocent, and killed, would Laxman be able to bring him back ?  Laxman heard these words of Lord Rama and canceled killing Bharat. Now this was pre-thinking to see that what could be the bad results if Bharat once died. In similar way we need to pre-think the bad effects of signing any agreement without reading it.


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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