Best Tool To Empathize with People


Field stories are always useful to grab attention of clients and external audience. Whatsapp Group allows us to directly interact with people who are on field and get real time messages, reports, photographs and stories from them which can be refined later to present in best possible manner.

Power of Whatsapp Group came to my attention when i started Human Centered Design (HCD) certification from and Acumen. The first phase helped me plan my research, where i decided to interact with real people (General public + Experts) using communication tools like Whatsapp, Surveys, Facebook and Linkedin to discover the challenge statement. Whatsapp was faster than any other tool though there   were few concerns related to spam and undesired messages generated by my target audience. Finally i ended up with lot of raw data and insights generated by real people during their real time experiences, to build and submit final prototype. The tool enabled me empathize with people and finally i got the HCD certificate.


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