Women Safety and Fight Back

Lets pledge to treat every women of our city as we treat women in our family our mother, our sister and our daughter. She is a person who performs multiple duties as home manager as well as work manager. Shes the best and she knows how to be safe and give a fight back. The best safety measures could be to start following advice of our grand parents while moving away from home. The best way could be following fashion trends of India, developed by Indian Fashion Industry and boycotting alien trends. I think Delhi women is trend setter for women in other parts of India, when it comes to wearing our Indian Clothing and promoting Indian Fashion Trends to world. We are people who are lured and now trying to copy fashion trends, which are developed and discovered according to different weather conditions and environment of alien countries. India is a country of hot weather and wearing tight clothes, leather boots, tight socks and suits are not suitable according to our weather conditions for both Indian men and women. Light clothes, wooden shoes could be the best solution to respect our Indian culture and to get respect in return. The best way to be safe is to be safe from alien fashion trends which are not ours and are not compatible to our weather conditions. I know it can be very difficult but good things are always difficult to implement. Atleast we can give it a try and suggest others to do so.   You can attend training sessions teaching the realities of violence against women at work, how to trust intuition, ways to be assertive and set boundaries in a friendly way, situational safety strategies for parking lots, elevators, on the web and while traveling. More you can do is visit websites like http://www.jagori.org/ for more learning material on knowing women´s rights and gender equality, then spreading knowledge to youth . Mission Green Delhi Blog empowers women and girls to lead safe and peaceful lives through motivational posts. Blend comedy with a cause and fearlessly fun – get ready to become your own best protector!


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