Vijay Michihito Batra

Vijay Michihito Batra is a inspirational and motivational  speaker in India. He is driven to spread the message of positive thinking and work ethics through his talks and training seminars. He brings a unique blend of Indian, Japanese and American ways of success. Having worked in India, Japan and America over extended periods of time, Vijay has experienced and observed the principles of success which are universally applicable. He has recently co-authored with his father Dr. Promod K. Batra to write a book that chronicles the success principles of Indian Entrepreneurs – Walk on Sand, before you Sleep on Silk, published by Full Circle. The book has become a guide for the budding entrepreneurs.

Owing to his unique lineage, Vijay embodies the Samurai spirit and comprehensively translates its essence, adapting it with equal intensity for the climate of the Indian soil. He is thus among the very few trainers in India who conduct sensitization workshops for Indians wanting to succeed with the Japanese and for the Japanese wanting to succeed in conducting business in India. He strives to create the energy among participants to pursue success and happiness. Like the Japanese wish each other gambatte kudasai, Vijay too drives people to do their best, and not rely on luck, chance or fate.

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