My Kangra Yatra May 2018

Got an opportunity to travel Mcleodganj in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. It was very beautiful place. Seeing Bhagasu temple and waterfall, really enjoyed it. The Dalai Lama temple complex, from where saw a great view of the Dhauladar mountain range.  Visiting Chamunda Devi, Jwala ji, Kangra Mata, Kangra Fort, mind felt a strangely calm. Also went to HPCA cricket stadium of Dharamsala. It was awesome trip.

Tree Plantation on Shivalik Divider by Citizens

Tree plantation drive was done on Shivalik divider on 29th July. With support of Rotract Club of Sri Aurobindo college, this wonderful step was taken to beautify this almost ruined divider. Thanks Lalima & Shivam, Mission Green Delhi platform members for sharing this story with our readers.



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