My Programming Language

A 53 pages PDF detailing core concepts and applying them to a custom language.Proposed extensions to the language with solutions at the end of the book.Full source code of two language in Ruby & Java. Easy to extend and play with.Explaining step by step how to extend the JVM language.Join the coders who created their own programming language.

“It’s been a lot of fun, and surprisingly little work to get a language that covers 95% of what JavaScript can do.”
— Jeremy Ashkenas, created CoffeeScript after reading the book.

“I love this book! It helped me create my own Awesome-to-PHP compiler. It’s not a full featured compiler yet but I had a lot of fun coding it and I learned a LOT.”
— Julien Desrosiers, created Phlower after reading the book.

“I never had a chance to study language internals at university, and while very interested, I found their inner workings intimidating. With this course I’ve found a simple but engaging introduction to the world of lexers, parsers, interpreters and compilers, and suddenly a whole new world in programming has opened up. Highly recommended.”
— David Bolton


Dark Circles Under the Eyes will learn how many body dysfunctions can cause dark circles and the remedies to treat them; you’ll become healthier while eliminating Dark circles.Find out how two organs are responsible for 60 percent of all cases of dark circles. Treat them and kiss your dark circles good bye forever using natural inexpensive home remedies.How to detoxify your body to cleanse your blood and remove dark circles with herbs that regenerate your hepatic system and promote clear radiant skin.Find out how the problem is not only in your skin or under your eyes but in other parts of your body which are responsible for causing dark circles under the eyes. Learn how to treat those organs and you will get rid of dark circles forever.Pick and choose from a long list of remedies to treat each body dysfunction using only natural ingredients without side effects, chemicals or expensive drugs.Learn everything there is to know about each illness that causes dark circles then you’ll learn how to treat each of those conditions naturally. Learn what kind of allergies cause dark circles and how to treat them using only natural remedies you never heard of before and without side effects.Make your sleeping problems and Dark circles vanish at the same time with simple remedies that will allow you to sleep deeper and wake up well rested and fresher making your daily routine enjoyable and effortless. Read More


Self Publish your Book

Most people, at some time in their lives, have thought of writing a book. But with no way of knowing how to have it published, the idea was usually passed over and forgotten. And the old, frustrating way of trying to become a published author was to first write a book and then start sending out letters and sample chapters to as many agents and publishers as you possibly could. Sadly, out of every 50,000 manuscripts a publisher receives, only 1 or 2 are actually published – AND it usually takes 3 to 4 years before your book will go to press.
And then, after all that, it’s STILL your responsibility to market your own book – at your own expense – while the publisher saves their marketing efforts for their best-selling authors.
And if that’s not hard enough; if your book sales are considered by the publisher to be low – say, less than forty thousand a year – then your book is quickly withdrawn and listed as “out-of-print.”
So don’t waste your time sending your manuscript out to hundreds of publishers. Instead, publish it yourself.


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