How Did He Identified His Girl Friend ?

In Delhi, there was a silent boy who fell in love with a girl. He spent days and nights in talking to her over phone, sending and receiving love SMSes. Many a times, they use to fight, stay away from each other and then again call each other and message. They were in love. After 2 years of relationship one day something strange happened. Boy went for a date with that girl and girl was accompanied with a beautiful good looking female friend of her. When they reached CCD in janpath, suddenly both girls disappeared. Boy was worried and started searching & looking for both of them on Janpath. He didn’t found them anywhere. He tried calling them on cell phone but no response. Being tired so much, he sat down in a restaurant and immersed himself into a deep wisdom with sip of coffee.

In deep thought, he continued with his search for both ladies. Suddenly, he arrived at some lonely place in Canaught Place, where due to some curse of Tantrik, heads of both ladies fell on the floor. He requested tantrik to join back those heads. But tantrik refused and asked him to do this job himself.  Boy in a hurry … joined back heads
of ladies to wrong bodies, swapping them. After sometime, both women woke up and found themselves wrongly joined by the Delhi boy. The boy was stunned. The question before boy was that which of them was his
girl friend as bodies of both girls were tagged to wrong heads? He has to decide which one to go with? Who is his girl friend now ? The one with head of his girlfriend on other girl’s body OR Body of his girlfriend with head of other girl? Finally! who was his real girl 
friend ? Thoughts ?

Few lines from this #DelhiBoy –

मैं तेरे नज़दीक हूँ, पर तू मुघसे दूर है – मेरी लाइंस  पसंद नहीं, तो
इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है

मैं लिखता हूँ, फूलों पर, कलिओं पर – इस शहर पर, और दिल्ली की गलिओं पर
ये कोई नशा नहीं, लिखने का सरूर है – मैं तेरे नज़दीक हूँ, पर तू मुघसे दूर है
मेरी लाइंस  पसंद नहीं, तो इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है

दिल्ली का वो बचपन, दिल्ली की वो जवानी – क्या पल थे वो, और मेरी दिल्ली की कहानी
जिंदगी बड़ी हसीन है, वक़्त बड़ा क्रूर है – मैं तेरे नज़दीक हूँ, पर तू मुघसे दूर है
मेरी लाइंस  पसंद नहीं, तो इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है

खोजता हूँ तुझको, cp में, जनपथ में – पर मिलता नहीं तू मुझको, इस अग्निपथ में
ये जादू है तेरी आँखों का, तेरे चहरे का सरूर है – मैं तेरे नज़दीक हूँ,
पर तू मुघसे दूर है
मेरी लाइंस  पसंद नहीं, तो इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है

Note: This is fictitious story. Mind is controller of all other body parts. Each part of this body is associated with a job but job of mind is to control all other parts. And mind is part of brain which is situated inside our head.

– Mission Green Delhi blog stories ( #designthinking

Using Procrastination As Magic Lamp

If any good thought comes to our mind, never think for the second time and just go for it. If bad thought or a thought to cause any harm comes then procrastinate. Arjuna in Mahabharata was a saint but still he procrastinated and postponed his actions to rethink what his senses feel about killing his near and dear ones. He procrastinated as his mind was agitated. He waited and asked lord Krishna about his views and suggestions on war. He sat down and talked about almost everybody and realized how he was emotionally attached and bonded in relationships. Instead of picking up bow and arrow and killing everybody blindly, he procrastinated.

There might be lot of situations where Arjuna might have taken quick decisions but this time he waited and gave himself time. He waited to understand why killing of Kauravas is important. Lord Krishna taught him reasons to pick up bow and arrow and fight for righteousness. There are situations in life where we have to opt for decisions on which future of lot of people depends. There are situations where we need more inputs and data to create final decision. And the best thing in all these situations is to procrastinate. And if we are traveling and there is sudden thought to act quickly on good deed, then just do that because after few minutes our heart and mind might get changed. Person who procrastinates at times of agitation and anger are true followers of supreme power. If we wait and replace our high priority urgent tasks with some low priority important tasks, then procrastination will do wonders. Intelligent person never starts a work. But if he starts a work he executes and accomplishes it towards end without being effected by obstacles and barriers. Green Human performs each and every task from front door and all good deeds from backdoor without creating any impression or sound.

Gambling in Decision Making

Gambling in decision making is just like one of the bad games of life and if you are really interested in playing game of life then initiate or accept this game keeping in mind the consequences and outcomes. In Mahabharata, pandavas played a game of ludo (Gamble) with kaurvas and lost their respect, bought disgrace to Draupadi(Women)  and kingdom. So before playing any big game with somebody, one must be aware of results.Never try to be a part of a game where you do not have expertise in. And if you are playing in a war, then its women and generations that lose on both sides. So its good to keep in mind good and bad results of war, before playing it. Man has no right to make his family and generations suffer due to decisions he make in his life. If you are indulging yourself in a game of life, fist of all keep your family in a protected
mode where they should not get effected by your decision. Never play a game in which Draupadi(Women) and family are humiliated. Never play a war where Draupadi(Women) have to lose her kids. Whole game was played by males but see the generosity of Draupadi,  she forgiven everybody and followed righteousness. And god will never be helping you in this game rather he will help Draupadi who was Green Human and a symbol of righteousness.

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