Using Procrastination As Magic Lamp

If any good thought comes to our mind, never think for the second time and just go for it. If bad thought or a thought to cause any harm comes then procrastinate. Arjuna in Mahabharata was a saint but still he procrastinated and postponed his actions to rethink what his senses feel about killing his near and dear ones. He procrastinated as his mind was agitated. He waited and asked lord Krishna about his views and suggestions on war. He sat down and talked about almost everybody and realized how he was emotionally attached and bonded in relationships. Instead of picking up bow and arrow and killing everybody blindly, he procrastinated.

There might be lot of situations where Arjuna might have taken quick decisions but this time he waited and gave himself time. He waited to understand why killing of Kauravas is important. Lord Krishna taught him reasons to pick up bow and arrow and fight for righteousness. There are situations in life where we have to opt for decisions on which future of lot of people depends. There are situations where we need more inputs and data to create final decision. And the best thing in all these situations is to procrastinate. And if we are traveling and there is sudden thought to act quickly on good deed, then just do that because after few minutes our heart and mind might get changed. Person who procrastinates at times of agitation and anger are true followers of supreme power. If we wait and replace our high priority urgent tasks with some low priority important tasks, then procrastination will do wonders. Intelligent person never starts a work. But if he starts a work he executes and accomplishes it towards end without being effected by obstacles and barriers. Green Human performs each and every task from front door and all good deeds from backdoor without creating any impression or sound.

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