Soldier’s life has lost the value

Gone are the days of happiness, with city deficient of charmers
Gone are the days of progress, with falling tears of farmers
No matter he’s lying on hoarder, Leader’s child has got the value
No matter he’s is dying on border, Soldier’s life has lost the value

Sparrows have gone offended , Jungles are animal less
Man has progressed a lot, Now he is character less
No matter she’s surrounded with wolfs, women has sought the value
No matter he’s is dying on border, Soldier’s life has lost the value

Delution has started breeding, Families are becoming marvelous hell
Fear has started seeding, Fighters are hiding themselves in shell
No matter what puneet has written, Pleasures have caught the value
No matter he’s is dying on border, Soldier’s life has lost the value

– Poem By

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