Logical Arguments are Never Conclusive

Have you seen a person who is egoistic and who talks to you with a spirit of wrangling. If yes then, i will say such people are perfect but losing one thing in their life. And according to ancient indian history, that feeling is called humility. If we are fighting for the sake of winning argument and proving ourselves best, then argument has no meaning. Meaningful arguments give results for the welfare of organization and improves mutual understanding and humility between employees. Instead of indulging ourselves into such meaningful debates of our materialistic mind, we should work like a money manager. I have seen money manager working with several crores of rupees, but still their mind is never effected by the wealth they are handling and managing. They do their tasks like a honest worker and never let their mind effected by the shiny  nature of gold and money. He is indulged in big arguments but just for the sake of his client and not just for showing his debating skills for the sake of defeating others.  Humility is a great quality of great professionals and always help us in becoming like a tree who is joyful and enjoying the flow of fresh air by showing calm movements of its leaves. We love watching such joyful nature of tree and his leaves and always love to be under him breathing fresh oxygen.


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