Week on “A Delhi Love – Ishq Muhabbat Pyar!”, Yasmin Kidwai meets Azad Jain, affectionately known as Peepal Baba, a man deeply connected to the soil and nature. Peepal Baba is a passionate crusader for restoring Delhi’s green cover, improving air quality, and encouraging grassroots involvement in environmental conservation. His unwavering commitment to planting trees and fostering a greener planet has inspired countless individuals, creating a movement that has resulted in the planting of crores of trees, not just in Delhi but across India. As a professor of English, Peepal Baba’s journey of discovering his true calling in nurturing what he lovingly calls the ‘pedon ki sarkar’ is nothing short of remarkable. Tune in to “A Delhi Love – Ishq Muhabbat Pyar!” on RedFM to delve into this inspiring story of one man’s mission to make the world a greener place!