Are we sharpening our saw ?

Leaders in an organization could be the reason for our existence in the game but they are not responsible for results of our deeds. Trees need rain water to grow but still raining is not responsible for prosperity of trees. The performance of a player is not dependent on selection committee rather it depends on efforts and hard work of player. But selection committee is the reason why player is part of that game. Team leaders are just facility managers and in any case we cannot blame them for our condition. The job of balloon seller is to fill it with gas, tie it and distribute it. But the height to which balloon moves never depends on the balloon seller. It never depends on the color of balloon. What actually matters is what balloon contains in it. Human element is developed using sand, water and air, and they are the reason for existence of our body yet they are not responsible for the condition we are in. Just like sand, supreme power is the reason for every object in this universe but still he is not responsible for sins we perform. To every action there is equal and opposite reaction. If our actions are destructive for objects of nature, we cannot leave this world without bearing destructive reactions from them. It’s the law of nature. And if our actions are constructive for objects in this world, we should be ready to enjoy constructive results and gifts in return. True leaders never blame others rather they they say “I think i was wrong somewhere, i need to improve, so that it might not happen again”.  At last I will end up with conclusion “There are two types of people in this world. One who thinks they are responsible for our deeds, and others who think that we ourselves are responsible for our deeds” and they always try to sharpen their saw.”


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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