Why i am reading this ?

I have landed to this wonderful place and now would like to read some more on green thoughts posted by the author of this blog. But before reading further i have to question myself that why i am reading  Green Delhi Blog. What is that which is attracting me towards green solutions. We have to find this out and ask ourselves that are we really contributing towards becoming a green human. I would suggest to start with recommending the content of this blog to your near and dear, the first step for your contribution. There is “Recommend” button on the top of this page where you can click and register to recommend this page to your loved ones. I assure you that if you go through the posts of this blog on daily morning regularly,  nobody in this world can stop you from the path of “CHANGE”, the new world. I have felt the change myself as a author because i am feeling that somebody is controlling me and writing through me for creating “Green Humans”. I consider myself as lucky one to be chosen by god almighty to produce green content text, audios and videos for making changes to the life of people of delhi and world. If you want the way you can contribute just like me on this revolutionary blog than i would suggest you to register yourself here ASAP and then post your revolutionary ideas for making delhi and other parts of india heaven. You can also use your email to send me your posts at puneet6565@gmail.com . Thanks for being a perfect reader. Congratulations.

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