More About Bamboos from Delhi People

How to use bamboo for plantation purpose. Kindly guide plz

Like which soil suits the best for this type of plantation


But i needed to know how to use bamboos to grow the plants and related things like kinda soil etc.


It’s similar to sugarcane farming…You need to put a piece of bamboo (with joints) under the moist soil…Or you can keep it dipped in water for few weeks till it starts developing roots

It can be grown in any kind of soil as it adapts well but water logged areas are most suitable as it can turn that wastewater into biomass. Bamboo will also happily receive gray water from your house.


Oh great piece of information thanks a million.


I believe bamboos can be used as flower-vase or flower/plants pot.


Yes, dry bamboos can.


I personally am a fan of bamboo housing and house hold items.
But we must keep in mind that despite its many advantages bamboo is not used by many communities because it is used to make ‘arthies’ for the last rites.


People are experimenting with a lot of bamboo furniture, Ikea being one of them


Yes i know…..and ain’t it contradictory hearing.
People saying bamboo must not be burnt as it is considered to be sacred as per hindu mythology. Plz enlighten.


You are right.


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