Mission Green Delhi Community

There have been numerous benefits of building a green community which is focused from multiple aspects. We need to understand that building a green community means engaging real human beings for welfare of society and betterment of environment. It gives an opportunity to people to help each other in building a culture and bringing around a behavioral change.

People share knowledge and skills through online chats, workshops, do plantation drives and organize green talks to spread awareness around.

Mission Green Delhi community members participates in environment events across Delhi NCR and do MGD Green Talks (#mgdgreentalks) to bring more people together to stand for environment sustainability.

Pravin Mishra doing Green Talks at Diwali Mela at Daulat Ram College, North Campus. Mela was organed at Delhi university women association.

Our community members organize independent events where environment enthusiasts share their experiences on various focus areas to protect environment and to live healthy lifestyle. Mission Green Delhi members take self-inspired initiatives to organize seminars in various locations of Delhi and NCR.

Our members are invited by citizens of Delhi NCR to their homes to organize MGD Green talks and give them opportunity to showcase their love for plants and terrace gardening.

MGD Green Talk hosted by Ms. Shobha Sharma at Hardev Nagar, Burari

Through our platform various organizations, schools and colleges collaborate with our members and invite them as guest speakers to enlighten their students and employees.

MGD Green Talk by Pravin Mishra at Delhi School of Communication

What Mission Green Delhi(MGD) members has to say about Community?

Good Evening all,

My name is Debrati, for the last one an half years I am a member of this group. From this group, I received a very good knowledge and events information regarding plants and plantation process. I belong to Siliguri, is a small town in Darjeeling district. Born and brought up in greenery. The Botanical Garden of Darjeeling is a very much known name to all environment lovers. But in Delhi, it is a lack of greenery and huge pollution. But Mission Green Delhi group takes a wonderful initiative to protect our environment. Their plantation events and awareness program about the importance of greenery is remarkable. This group also encourages the people for plantation. I have also a small garden in my flat. I think we do not only depend on MCD for plantation work we create more groups like Mission Green Delhi and spreads the awareness of the protection of mother nature.

In this group, another best thing is the group admins of this group. They maintained the discipline in this group which is very much admirable. I also belong to so many other groups but this kind of discipline is not present over there. Specifically, group admin, Mr. Puneet Verma take proactive steps to protect the misuse of the group rules and regulation. Puneet sir do a wonderful job. Unfortunately, still not I am unable to meet him but I belong to an army family so I respect the importance of discipline. In the future, I have a plan to start a blog related to the environment and create an NGO also. All group members and Admins support, good wishes, and blessings are required.

All the best to Mission Green Delhi
Thanks and Regards,
Debrati Ghosh
Environment lover/ Research Scholar/Digital Marketer/Trainer/ Management lecture/Handicraft teacher/Numerologist.

It is a very active community and members always ready to help.

I have not met/know members personally.

Doing little bit of gardening. Very informative group.  I wanted  to attend some programs for hands on experience in gardening but unfortunately because of COVID environment it has been not possible. 

I wish to see many mango trees on all the roads of Delhi.

With best wishes to all. Stay safe.

Sushma arora

Aparna Introduced me to this community/group and I am really grateful to her for this 🙏🏼

Group is very motivational and members inspired me in many different ways though I don’t know any member personally but now I feel connected to everyone .

When I joined, was thinking to join plantation drive with full enthusiasm but this Covid ruined every plan as I don’t have personal vehicle and avoiding public transportation. Looking forward to be part of plantation whenever things become normal 🙏🏼

Pooja Singh

Pooja is a chirpy techie with a high profile job who loves all things green.

Interestingly her whole family is in gardening

Her balcony is so colourful and beautiful that it made me fall in love with mundane plants I didn’t plant myself and now really want to add colour to my tiny garden

She also has the full support of her husband Jai who is in the army and is our protector

So proud to have her in this group.

Aparna Roy

I think after I met Parveen Mishra Ji, And also visited him in Ranjit ngr Place near to my office, I am searching about His work on internet and while searching him I from some website get to know about this group MGD. and I join the group. It’s a very good platform to have meet people with same passion for plants. Here we can see the work of legends of this field Umed Ji and Ramesh Ji🙏🏼 They are very helpful in solving problems of gardening lovers. I get to know various person here who are very enthusiastic for plants Arpana Ji, Pooja Ji, Harpal Ji, Dr Madhu Ji, monica ji, mansi ji,Fatima ji, Preeti ji. Rajpal ji, anamika ji, and may more

Group is very inspiring and motivating.  I also feel connected to everyone .

I also want to join outside plantation but due to hesitation and corona. Never done apart from once or twice I have done near my home in a park . But now I will do 🙏🏼

Anup Chanana

यह ग्रुप वाकई में काफी अद्भुत है लोग इससे मन से जुड़े ही नहीं है बल्कि पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा के लिए हर संभव प्रयास भी अपने स्तर पर कर रहे हैं मेरा मानना है कि शायद ही कोई ऐसा हो जिसे पेड़ पौधों से प्यार ना हो लेकिन पर्याप्त जानकारी के अभाव में कई बार लोग अपने शौक को सही ढंग से पूरा नहीं कर पाते हैं हालांकि जिसकी रूचि होती है वह सब सीख भी लेता है। इस ग्रुप के सदस्यों से मुझे भी काफी कुछ सीखने को मिल रहा है और ग्रुप के सभी सदस्य सार्थक रूप में इस ग्रुप के उद्देश्यों को पूरा करने की दिशा में अग्रसर हैं।

मैंने यह भी प्रेक्षित किया है कि सदस्यों में पेड़ पौधों के बारे में जैसे कि उनकी पहचान, नाम, इसको कैसे लगाया /उगाया जाए और उसमें आ रही समस्याओं एवं उनके समाधान के बारे में भी जानने की काफी रुचि ली जा रही है जो कि एक अच्छा संकेत है  ग्रुप के सद…

🙏मानसी मैम का भी बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद………जिनके द्वारा अनायास ही मुझे इस ग्रुप के बारे में जानकारी मिली एवं इससे जुड़ने का अवसर मिला ।

इस ग्रुप में सभी लोग बहुत ज्यादा मदद करते हैं एक दूसरे की। अब तक मैं सिर्फ सपना देखती थी कि काश मेरी छत पर मैं कुछ सब्जियां उगाऊँ , अब लग रहा है अगले मौसम तक 1 2 सब्जियां तो शायद मैं भी लगा लूँगी।

सबको बहुत धन्यवाद। पुनीत वर्मा जी से अचानक किसी वेबसाइट के जरिये जुड़ना हुआ औऱ फिर उन्होंने इस ग्रुप में जुड़ने का मौका दिया।🙏🏻

Dr. Ramesh Verma

To arrange MGD Green Talk and to take Mission Green Delhi Community to more people around you whatsapp us at +919910162399 or email us at missiongreendelhi@gmail.com #greendelhi #missiongreendelhi #lifeofwebmaster #mgdgreentalks

muster your courage on, mission green delhi

With this poem, i am swinging into action
Idea that crossed, my mind in a fraction

Never let bullets, bite you lady
bite the bullets, always be ready
speak up your heart, dont be a silly
muster your courage on, mission green delhi

never keep quite, while black sheeps gaze
scream like a radio, break up the maze
demolish those teasers, whose intents are hilly
muster your courage on, mission green delhi

tinkle your friends, try to scram
smirks at trapped, slap those lambs
blow them out, spray something smelly
muster your courage on, mission green delhi

Dogs not restricted, will bite your friends
Silence once battled, fights and bends
share your voice on, greentechdelhi
muster your courage on, mission green delhi

Mission Green Delhi Konsept

Mission Green Delhi has lot of expectations from  professionals and students who are working and studying in Delhi in any area. As we are on a mission to convert ourselves into green prosperous humans, we expect something from everybody reading this blog. We are professionals who are associated with some organization directly and indirectly and are working for it. So from today only we can try to start working differently with a new concept. The concept is to add “Mission Green Delhi Konsept” to each and every task we are performing. Suppose if i am working on software development i can develop it using functions such that i can save lot of memory while executing it on my hardware. If we are using colored monitors, we can ask our IT departments to low down the color quality of the monitor to save our eyes and power. If we are working in Marketing and Advertising domain, we can design our marketing campaigns and events keeping in mind the konsept of “Mission Green Delhi”. We can ask for a material that should not  effect our environment. If we are organizing some meetings than we can organize it with some green tea or vegetarian snacks. If possible we can organize meetings in open grounds rather than in conference halls.  Doing such type of meetings will surely effect everybody’s mind in a positive way.  If we are going for some sales meet we can keep green mobiles, green laptops or anything that can communicate “Mission Green Delhi” Konsept to the person whom we are meeting. If we are meeting someone today, lets inspire them to change their life into a green human. If i am going for a big meet i will surely carry some Green Objects, Clothes, Presentations and Thoughts with me to deliver something that can add green impact to the life of person i would be talking to. If i am working in hospital i can ask the canteen guy to avoid offering oily food to people and staff. If environment in Delhi is hot, we can avoid wearing uncomfortable business suites and shoes, rather we can do business meets with decent Indian clothes which will help us to focus on a business idea and implement it perfectly rather showing off fake business dresses in meetings that never suits to our Delhi weather. Instead of pointing out negatives from this post, try to grasp some positives. Try to think positive … Try to think perfect … Try to Think Right … Try to think Green … Thanks

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