Needs of an hour

If we are still living in a physical world, then we are confined to self satisfaction of our senses. Self satisfaction is required because we are connected to elements. When we are connected to elements through self contemplation, we develop lust. Lust is a demand that is never met. And in this way lust give birth to anger. Anger is managed using delusion. Delusion gives rise to confusion. And if there is confused mind, bewilderment develops. And if we are confused and bewildered, then we lose memory and thinking power. In this way intelligence is lost. If intelligence is lost, we cannot differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. And this give rise to sinful deeds.If we look beyond physical elements, we can categorize ourselves according to our needs. We have physiological needs like food, air and water. If we can fulfill these needs then we have need for self security. If we have secured our life (For Eg- Job Security, Family Security), then we have social needs like friends and family. And if we are socially strong then there is a need for recognition and protecting our self esteem, pride. And after fulfillment of all above needs human run for self actualization by working for the welfare and fulfillment of needs of others. As an element, we are allowed to fulfill our needs but we can still protect ourselves from drowning into material pool. We can immolate our love towards elements into the divine fire of our spirit  while performing our duties and fulfilling our needs. And the solution is to be in a company of green humans.


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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