Always Pursue, Never Emulate Them

Go to any corporate office in your city and you will find people who are trying hard to emulate their seniors and bosses. But let me remind you that there is big difference between emulation and persuance. There is big reason. And i have lot of reasons from ancient history of India, which describes that emulation will take us nowhere rather chasing would help us becoming like our gurus. As a student we have always got tools and teachings from our teachers to reach next level in our lives. Gandhi ji always followed words written in Geeta and never emulated lord Rama and Krishna. If we want to become expert like our guru or senior, then we need his teachings, his suggestions rather than emulating or copying him. He knows the better way to achieve life goals, and if our goals are similar to his, then we need his guidance, his way of tackling issues and obstacles in that path. This is just like emulating a person who walks on rope from one building to another. If we emulate him, surely we will fall down from height and die. What we need is to understand how he practiced this art and what was the motivation behind. And ego and attitude will take us nowhere, we need his guidance, we need his suggestion, his love. Lord Krishna picked up Govardhan but we can’t do that because we need Krishna to help us to that. Lord Shiva drank poision for this universe, but we cannot do that as we need guidance from lord Shiva, how to perform such a task for welfare of world. Do you think Arujna would have won Mahabharata Yuddha, if he emulated Lord Krishna. What he did, was instead of emulating him, just followed his words. And finally he won. Lord Hanuman was the incarnation of Lord Shiva, still he never emulated Lord Rama, rather followed blindly what Rama told him to do and won Lanka. So i would only suggest to pursue them, not emulate them.


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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