Few Habits That can Overhaul Your City in a Month 

Few habits that can overhaul your city in a month:

  1. Whenever you plan to go to office or from office to home, just make a habit to give a look over google maps application in your smartphone. You need to setup destination as your office address and source as your home. Red marked roads tell us wherever there is traffic jam on the road. Please stay back and avoid travelling at that particular time. It is going to save your time, fuel and money. Health wise also you are going to protect yourself from traffic stress and pollution. You will save on your medical checkups and bills. Then why shouldn’t take this small step before leaving in peak hours.
  2. Start learning about indoor plants on this training section of Mission Green Delhi platform and plant few at your home’s terrace or balcony. This is the way to filter out harmful gases like carbon monoxide, benzene and formaldehyde that surrounds you and your family. Indoor plants have the capability to absorb pollutants present in the air. In this way you are going to protect yourself from all respiratory problems.
  3. Do you know you are daily contributing towards big garbage dumps on city borders when you throw your organic waste produced from fruits, vegetables and eggs in your homes. This organic waste can be recycled to form compost which can be sold or can be used in plants growing in your home. The only way is to learn composting methods and make them habit. Avoid throwing organic waste in polythene bags and see the change around you.
  4. Just become member of Mission Green Delhi Whatsapp platform and start contributing in any tree plantation drive in the city. It is going to give you and your family peace of mind and would be game changer to spread awareness around you. Our members regularly run environmental campaigns in various areas of city and always look for volunteers to support their green campaigns.
  5. There might arise lots of questions about how we could contribute towards environment, feel free to ask more and more questions from environmentalists on Mission Green Delhi platform, share hidden ideas you’ve in mind and share your plantation and environment stories to inspire people around you.

Please click here to become member of Mission Green Delhi platform.


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at missiongreendelhi.com. Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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