Paradigm Shift – A Big Change

Paradigm Shift. Have you ever heard about it ? Have you ever felt about it ? According to me it is the way to make big change in our life. Its the way to totally clean, thoughts of our mind and start learning from zero ie to reincarnate . Its the method of making change to our point of view and see this world and environment from different angle.  Each day is passing like exact copy of last day. Same schedule, same work and similar achievements. So now what we need is a revolution of Paradigm Shift in our life. Being a puffed up human without thinking and taking big decisions in our daily life, we are no more on the way to become green human. Green human is one who thinks of why for every task he performs and odds will think of “How”. This “why” is necessary to make our day a challenging one and to generate huge amount of opportunities. If we are working on selling some product, service or solution, then we should know reasons why people will use that product. Why we are creating it ? Why people will use it ? Why they will purchase it ? And when our list is filled with 100000 reasons, then we can go for finding out “HOW”. People who make big decisions in their life, clean their doubts with “WHY” in their daily life and then accept challenges, and hence they are ready for big paradigm shift or big change in their life. “WHY” is something that has the power to solve bigger misconceptions within an organization. “WHY” will bring clarity in vision and focus on the thought “What we want ? And Why we want ?”. I have heard someone saying “If it is to be, it is upto me” … and if we can understand these words than we are ready for big change, big Paradigm Shift.


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Puneet Verma is a passionate traveler, environment blogger, techie and nature lover. He owns a beautiful community of 400+ environment enthusiasts at Join MGD's #Delhikabagh latest environment awareness campaign and tag @missiongreendelhi and #Delhikabagh on Facebook and Instagram with your environment friendly posts.

Reach out to Puneet @9910162399 for collaboration for making Delhi green and clean.

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