Free Saplings from Delhi Govt.

मिशन ग्रीन दिल्ली का पेज लाइक करें  —>

Good News for you. Delhi Govt. is offering free saplings by organizing green campaigns by setting up green stalls at various petrol pumps in Delhi. It a great opportunity for people who drive vehicles and stop at Delhi petrol pumps to fill their petrol tanks. Now they can pick up as much plants as they want and can also distribute them to their friends, neighbors and relatives. This is great initiative by Delhi Govt. to fill deserted areas of city with plants. The Forest Department distributes seedlings free of cost to public for the purpose of plantation on any land. The seedlings are available from the following Nurseries:

Email us at

Tollfree Green Helpline No. of Forest Department, Government of NCT of Delhi, India:  1800118600 (Refer this link for more info)

1. Kamla Nehru Ridge 23923561
2. Anand Vihar (I.S.B.T.) 22166232
3. Bhairon Marg, Ring Road
4. Old Yamuna Bridge
5. Hauzrani City Forest, M.B. Road 26561439
6. Alipur City Forest, Old Seed Farm 27204688
7. Brar Square Nursery (Nrar Rly. Crossing) 25696875
8. Phoonth Kalan 25483026
9. Badli Nursery, Near Rly. Station
10. Najafgarh Forest Nursery, Old B.D.O. Office
11. Karkari Nursery, Najafgarh
12. Devli Pahari Nursery, Behind Sainik Farms
13. Tughlakabad Nursery, Near Shooting Range 26094711
14. Birla Mandir Nursery 23361879

The saplings of Neem, Jamun, Gulmohar, Kanner, Peepal, Alstonia, Kachnar, Arjun, Bombax, Papri, Philkan, Jungle Jalebi, Kachnar etc., are available at the above nurseries. The department monitors the survival of plantation from the above distributed saplings from the beneficiaries.


Puneet Verma is a dedicated traveler, tech enthusiast, and passionate advocate for the environment. As the founder of Mission Green Delhi, Puneet leads a vibrant community of over 400 nature lovers and climate activists dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness. Through, Puneet inspires others to take meaningful action toward a greener, cleaner Delhi. His latest initiative, the #Delhikabagh campaign, encourages followers to share eco-friendly posts, tagging @missiongreendelhi and using #Delhikabagh on social media. For collaborations and to join hands in this green movement, reach Puneet at 9910162399. Together, let’s make Delhi a thriving, green haven!

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